Non-Restricted and Restricted License
Canadian Non-Restricted and Restricted Firearms Safety Course (CFSC/CRFSC)
Canadian Firearms Academy is committed to the preservation of shooting sports and recognizes the challenges that come with it. Therefore, for a limited time without compromising quality and service, we are offering the following
Canadian legislation stipulates that individuals wishing to acquire restricted and/or prohibited firearms must successfully pass both the Canadian Firearms Safety Course (CFSC) and Canadian Restricted Firearms Safety Course (CRFSC) along with all the tests and exams that accompany them.
The RPAL/PAL certification course at CFA takes 2 days (Sat & Sun). The first day is spent focusing on the CFSC (non-restricted course) and the second day is spent on the CRFSC (restricted course), both ending each day with the corresponding exams and testing. Both days will be spent learning in a classroom, observing demonstrations, and practicing skills before taking the final exams and practical tests. Everything needed to pass both exams and practical tests will be taught with adequate time for questions and review, to ensure you are prepared.
Testing consists of 2 written exams and 2 practical tests (a pair for each license). The written exams are made up of 50 questions each. 65% of the questions are true or false and the other 45% are multiple choice. The practical tests consist of a series of actions that you will be asked to perform in order to demonstrate what you have learned.
There is a 1-hour time limit for each written exam. You must get 80% or better on both components of each course to successfully pass and be able to apply for a restricted/ non-restricted license.
Topics covered in the CRFSC/ CFSC include:
The evolution of non-restricted and restricted firearms, major parts, types and actions
Basic non-restricted and restricted firearms safety practices and ammunition types
Non-restricted and restricted firearm action types and their operations
Safe handling and carry procedures
Firing techniques and procedures
Care of non-restricted and restricted firearms
Responsibilities and legalities of the firearms owner/user
Safe storage, display, transportation and handling of non-restricted and restricted firearms
$215.00 (Taxes Included)
Check available Dates registerNon-Restricted and Restricted License
Canadian Non-Restricted and Restricted Firearms Safety Course (CFSC/CRFSC)
Canadian Firearms Academy is committed to the preservation of shooting sports and recognizes the challenges that come with it. Therefore, for a limited time without compromising quality and service, we are offering the following
Canadian legislation stipulates that individuals wishing to acquire restricted and/or prohibited firearms must successfully pass both the Canadian Firearms Safety Course (CFSC) and Canadian Restricted Firearms Safety Course (CRFSC) along with all the tests and exams that accompany them.
The RPAL/PAL certification course at CFA takes 2 days (Sat & Sun). The first day is spent focusing on the CFSC (non-restricted course) and the second day is spent on the CRFSC (restricted course), both ending each day with the corresponding exams and testing. Both days will be spent learning in a classroom, observing demonstrations, and practicing skills before taking the final exams and practical tests. Everything needed to pass both exams and practical tests will be taught with adequate time for questions and review, to ensure you are prepared.
Testing consists of 2 written exams and 2 practical tests (a pair for each license). The written exams are made up of 50 questions each. 65% of the questions are true or false and the other 45% are multiple choice. The practical tests consist of a series of actions that you will be asked to perform in order to demonstrate what you have learned.
There is a 1-hour time limit for each written exam. You must get 80% or better on both components of each course to successfully pass and be able to apply for a restricted/ non-restricted license.